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This is the English version of my book:

We often hear or say the phrase, "Everything is going to be okay," with the intention of encouraging someone facing a difficult situation. However, have we ever stopped to think about whom we are placing our trust in?


The phrase becomes much more meaningful when it's said by a two-year-old child. Luis Pablo, at just one year old, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia M7, a very aggressive form of cancer, which posed a challenge for the specialists. He was always considered a high-risk case that defied all medical protocols.


The need to find blood and platelet donors motivated his parents to share his story through social media, sparking a massive movement of love and solidarity. Everyone involved came to understand that by fully trusting in God and leaving everything in His hands, we can be certain that "Everything is going to be okay," because what happens is part of a perfect plan.

Everything will be alright

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